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Imagine That: Peace On Earth

into their tractors and began to sing songs about colours. It was the most beautiful moment in the world's history.

But it lasted only five minutes.

"Sir!" said the reporter from America, "We have a strike!"

"What's the problem?" asked the Presiding Brain.

"Three thousand fluffy toys are demanding better housing!"

Another report came in, this time from Africa. The fluffy toys there were demanding regular cuddles, but since there were no people left capable of cuddling, the uncuddled people were beginning to turn nasty.

War broke out along the Chinese border, and the riots in India started again, as thousands of Indians attacked the cotton-wool factories. In South America workers went back to the burning of the forests, to make room for sun-bathing sites for fluffy toys, and in the North Sea, whaling resumed, because some of the fluffy toys wanted real oil for their joints, and whalebone parts for their chairs and tables.

"I think," said the Presiding Brain sadly, "Our attempts to bring peace to earth have failed. I declare this session closed until next year, when we will meet again for another attempt. Goodnight."

"There must be a way," whispered the delegate from Nigeria as he passed through the doors. His hand went, by habit, to a small, silver pendant, shaped like a cross, which hung by a thin chain round his neck. He tucked the cross back down under his shirt and went out into the pale sunlight that fell on the city.

Yes, perhaps next year they would find a way.

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