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Kids Can Fly: Squeaky Clean

go first. (This rule eventaully had to be dropped because too many bitter arguments resulted over who was being the most courteous.)

But it was in the social side of things that the changes made the most impact. Mum gave a long, important announcement one night on TV. She looked quite impressive, sitting in her black, leather chair, with purple curtains behind her, and a varnished desk in front.

"The Clean Party wishes to thank all the people of this country for their co-operation. Many great and important changes have occurred, and many more are planned. In the future, we intend to pull down all buildings which are higher than one story, and depopulate the cities down to a specified minimum number of people. Hospitals, Housing and Education will not receive the bulk of your tax money because all tax which is taken for these things will be abolished. From now on you will pay for the services you want. Homeschooling is to be encouraged. 95% of the population will be re-established in the country, and the economy will be forced to stop growing. We will not import anything. We will make everything we need ourselves. We will ensure that all citizens have sufficient to eat, sufficient clothes to wear, and a roof over their heads. We do not believe in 'progress' as other nations do. We believe that, when everyone has enough to live, they do not need any more than that. Progress will be in the mind and spirit, not in the gathering of material goods."

Dad got up from his chair and started pacing back and forth.

"What!?" he said, "She can't do this! What about my Elvis collection! I don't want to do homeschooling! What about my imported Studebaker! This is like going back into the Dark Ages!"

"No more computer games," I moaned.

"No more schools," said my sister, smiling.

"Does she realty expect everyone to take up farming!?" Dad stormed.

"I'd like to live in the country?" said my sister.

"It wouldn't be so bad?" I said hopefully.

"But its not democratic!" said Dad. He was really getting worked up, "She's been in power for two years now and look at the country. It has ground to a halt. Now she wants us to put on peasants clothing and run around in gumboots looking after sheep!"

"I think sheep are nice," said my sister.

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