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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Come to Jesus finalist in poetry contest
Jesus said that anyone who comes to Him will not be cast out. This is a promise upon which we can rest. Regardless of who you are, there is hope in Christ.

The Rich Young Ruler
The Rich Young Ruler came to Jesus seeking eternal life. The problem was that he thought eternal life had to be earned. Jesus faithfully showed him that this was impossible, and also taught his disciples this valuable lesson.

Christ is no Partial Savior finalist in poetry contest
The Bible reveals the shocking truth that sinners can be saved by grace alone, without the works of the law. Any attempt on our part to work for God's favor reveals a condition of unbelief.

One Perfect Life finalist in poetry contest
This reminds us that there are many ways that people seek to be righteous in God's sight, but any way other than the cross of Christ leaves people lost in their sin. Only Jesus can save us from our sins and give us the gift of eternal life.

The Castaway
She was cast out of society, physically unclean. Jesus was her last resort, when she touched him she was healed and restored to a normal life.

Walk day by Day
Our Christian walk is a day by day intimate one. It has its ups and downs and we may be hard on ourselves when we fail. But the Lord is faithful and gives us a fresh start every morning.

The Praise of Peace, The Peace in Praise
I have talked to so many who all search for peace and I realized for me peace in my praise, thank God for that

My Friend
This is Christ talking to us about how he is there for us no matter what; he will never leave us and his hands will always be stretching towards us. We have to be the ones to see him and we have to ask for his help. He wants us to want him.

Get Back To The Basics
This is about the need for all Christians to get back to the basic principles of the Faith

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