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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Christ's suffering for All

John 9, Part 2: The Pharisees Rebuke the Blind Man
Today's Pharisees are not only in the church. You will find them in the world of education and politics as well. However, a day is appointed when all will face God in a very personal meeting, and you will be glad that you served God.

John 9-Jesus and Heals the Blind Man-Part 1
Ironically in this passage the blind man could see and the Pharisees were spiritually blind, a condition too often to be found true.

John 8: The Woman Caught in Adultery
From John's account of the healing of the blind man we see how easy it is to overlook our own sin while judging others for their sin. Lord, help us not be a modern-day Pharisee!

John 6: Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Here expressed in poetry is St. John's recollection of that incredible day when Jesus fed the 5000.

John 5:1-15: Healing the Paralyzed Man at the Pool of Bethesda
Imagine being a crippled man laying there by the pool for 38 years, helpless, hopeless, and heavy in spirit. Then Jesus came...

Before Sunrise finalist in poetry contest
That most precious time with God before the day begins

The Pordigal
This world attracts but God only can fill

John 4: Jesus and the Woman at the Well
Since Jews did not associate with the half-breed Samaritans, they often walked clear around Samaria. But Jesus intentionally walked through Samaria because He has a message He wanted to make clear: The gospel was for all people of all classes.

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