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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
John 1:29-34: The Significance of the Savior's Baptism
Here as recorded by John in His gospel are chronicled the events of our Lord's baptism.

Who Will We Follow finalist in poetry contest
In everything we see and all the turmoil about us, Jesus is calling.

John 1:19-28: Who are You, John?
Here is the Biblical introduction to John the Baptist as he is being questioned by the Pharisees and priests. This passage is found in John 1:19-28

Just Driving Down the Street
The meek, the lowly are God's delight

Spiritual Eyes first in poetry contest
When the storms of life upset our journey we know we will reach the shore when we keep our eyes on Jesus.

ALL Children
"Please help the little children Lord. Bless each and ev'ry one..."

John 1:1-5: Who is this Man, Jesus?
These opening verses of the Gospel of John inform us that Jesus is Creator and Lord and that He is fully God and fully man.

If Ever I am Missing
I wrote this when I was writing down my living will. I thought it would comfort my loved ones if it were read at my funeral service.

Colossians 3:18-4:1: What Makes a Family Work? second in poetry contest
The older I get the more I realize the role of husband and father is to be profoundly influential and he must be a spiritual man to be all that God intended him to be. When he is, his wife will love him more than he could imagine.

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