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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
The Wise Still Seek Him
They still look to the Morning Star!

The Perfect Gift finalist in poetry contest
They don't get any better than this!

A Free Gift
Absolutely 100 percent free!

No Cookies From Grandma finalist in poetry contest
No one was to blame but it wasn't the same without fireplace or a flickering flame. No stockings to see and no cider or tea, not even a little ol' Christmas tree.

I cannot stay a baby finalist in poetry contest
The Babe in the manger became the Christ on the Cross. (To be read in the New Year)

Yes or No
My Father God longs to give me peace. Just say yes to Him and feel Him take the burden...

I Must
I do not know if God will ever give me another piece to write as important as this one. I did not know the complete message myself, until I read beyond the planned Scripture of Ephesians 4:30 to Ephesians 4:31-32.

A Cry
I believe we are born to die. Our life begins with a cry. I know that we have eternal life with Christ and our last breath takes us to the beginning of this life forever. Just ask Jesus to be your friend...

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