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Poems by Deborah Ann Belka

poem count: 1055 | pages: 118 | first place: 4 times | second place: 8 times | finalist: 67 times
Anchored In Hope
Bound to the hope I found in Jesus!

God's Saving Light
Oh, how I pray all would see it!

I'll Be That Light
Let your love for Jesus shine bright this season

The Miracle Of CHRISTmas ~
God's plan of salvation for all of mankind.

It's A Wonderful Life ~
Oh, what a wonderful new life Jesus has for all those who believe!

Christmas Tradtions
What have they got to do with the true meaning of CHRISTmas?

There Would Be No CHRISTmas
. . . without God's unspeakable Gift!

Take Back Your Joy
Getting back the joy of your salvation!