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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Stand For What's Right
It is not easy to take a stand for what is right when others around us do not, but we need to please God rather than men.

Heaven Is On My Mind
The older I become, the more I think about Heaven.

My Days are The Lords
He knows the number of days and years He has planned for my life may I bring Him honor and glory while I live them out.

No, Not One
We are all responsible for the death of our Lord, and Savior.

In The Shadow Of The Steeple
When witnessing for Christ, we should never forget those who are close to us.

My Love Will Come
These words were placed in my heart after hearing so many reports of teen bullying across the country and in my community.

Jesus, The Humble Savior
Jesus is our example of humility and serving others.

Washed Away finalist in poetry contest
To choose a life of purpose or futility is our choice...

My Quality Of Life finalist in poetry contest
As we approach old age, it is assumed that our quality of life decreases, but if we are in Christ, our spiritual quality of life can get better every day.

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