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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Jesus Was Innocent
Jesus was the sinless Lamb of God who paid for our sins.

The Indignity of Man in Old Age
This poem looks at the problems of old age, which Christians are not immune to , from a purely human viewpoint. It should be read in conjunction with my poem "The Christian in Old Age" published in November 2010.

The Diver Divine first in poetry contest
God's work on us as His children is always good, sometimes painful, and generally requires our consent. It is ALWAYS worth it -- trust the One who loves you perfectly and ask Him to make you into what He desires!

The Love of Jesus
JESUS will always be there for you and me.

Joyful Tears
The tears we shed are endless,and from our souls drawn.We water all our selfish wants -then later wish them gone.

The Strongest Man second in poetry contest
Do muscles make the man?

Light Upon my Life
God's grace and forgiveness bestows such a light upon a Christian's life that darkness can not prevail...Keep in the Light of Christ

Tears That Fall on Earthly Sod
As many times as we fail, and we will.. God will lift us up.. God's hand is guiding us just keep our eye's on Him

Child Of God
I want to be aware of any opportunity God gives me, what ever it may be. An encourager to a fellow Christian or a witness to a lost one. I pray that I will glorify God in all these.

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