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The Strongest Man

by louis gander

When we are asked, "Who's stronger?"
we think so 'physical'.
We often think of Sampson -
not strength inside the skull.

The strongest Man who ever lived -
had not a fist fight won -
but He had conquered challenges
and never quit 'til done.

He handled every mocking
and hateful, slimy spit.
He handled every whipping
while skin from scourging split.

Stronger was the 'weaker' Man,
who walked a lonely road.
Wearing thorns, they mocked Him and,
collapsed He, under load.

Huge nails set His hands and feet,
while teeth were tightly grit -
but never had He wavered,
and never had He quit.

Screams still echo over hills,
against the stormy skies -
but stronger is the faithful Man -
despite the painful cries.

Many brag and pound their chest -
their muscles, we can see -
but where you hear the loudest cries,
the stronger Man will be.

This poem won second place for the January 2011 poetry contest

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