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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
This is Very Good NEWS!

The believers greatest challenge,to walk each moment as if we are in His presence.Because we Are!

More Than These
Jn 21:3 Simon Peter said unto them, I go a fishing.

I Saw God Today
Our nation was founded on a strong belief in God and Christian values, but sadly we're almost a Godless nation today. I pray that Christians everywhere will stand up and put God back in control of this nation.

Broken Vessel
Have you been broken lately?

Making time to be with Christ in prayer,Time well spent!

Want to know what Gods will is for your life?Let His Cross be your reference point!

Don't Miss Heaven
There will be many times in our life when we miss things, for one reason or another. Some may be important and some not. Many of them will have a second chance. If we miss heaven, there will be no tomorrow.

My Bride
I have worked as a home health nurse for many years and I see how difficult it is for older people to watch their spouses become frail. I wrote this for a friend of mine whose wife is having significant health issues. He loves her dearly.

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