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Don't Miss Heaven

by Robert Hedrick

Though you missed breakfast, you'll make it up at the noon meal,
Then too, you missed taking your medication, but what's one pill.
Running a little late, you missed your bus, for it has passed you by,
That's alright, there's always other ways to get to work if you try.

Later you missed the forecast to check the weekend weather wise,
No problem, you can just get it tomorrow morning before sunrise.
There is the sports report you missed, this you sure wanted to get,
You'll just have to look in the morning paper to check on that bet.

Then you missed a dental visit, being wrong about the date and time,
Oh well, they'll reschedule and put you somewhere on down the line.
These are things you missed with some of them on the important side,
Although you took care of each one when a little effort was applied.

When these things were missed, they didn't cause you pain or sorrow,
However, if heaven is missed, be assured, there will be no tomorrow.
If you are unsure about going to heaven, now is the time to prepare,
Then in time, you'll know you didn't miss it because you are there.

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