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I Saw God Today

by Donna Hendrix

I saw God today perched high upon the clouds
His tears falling down around me on the ground
Praying for His people to return to Him today
Praying for our nation lost to the Savior's way
He looks in sadness at many who don't believe He exist
Looking with concern at our Godless nation in conflict

I saw God today standing in a school yard
Watching all the little children who for Him have no regard
Many have never even met the Father
For many of their parents never ever bother
Tears began to fall from the Savior's face
As He remembered the schools won't allow Him in their place

I saw God today standing on the Capitol building lawn
Despairing as our congressmen from Him have withdrawn
No longer is He welcome to freely roam the halls
No longer can He be present for the Congress roll call
No longer does our government look to our Lord for advice
Most decisions are made based on the highest bid price

I saw God today staring at the prison walls
Wondering why so many could not hear His call
Praying for the prisoners and the victims that they'd hurt
Praying for their healing and for many to convert
Crying for so many who have gone astray
Hoping that their hearts will find the Savior's way

I saw God today sitting in some church pews
Listening for the preacher to tell of His good news
Concern came upon the Savior's face
As He watched for the Holy Spirit to enter this place
There was no mention of a hell beyond this world
He was saddened to think that some had never heard

I saw God today and He was crying for our future
Praying that there is a way for the damages to be sutured
Praying that His people will let their voice be heard
Praying that our children will be prepared to teach His word
I saw God today and He wants Christians everywhere
To stand up for Him, our relationship to repair

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