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Here you will find poems about God, faith and many other topics dear to Christians. You can submit your own original poetry by joining. Click here, it's free. All poems are automatically entered into our monthly contest.
Genesis--Part 16--The Blessing finalist in poetry contest
The account of the birthright being passed to Jacob by deception (Genesis 27-28)

Genesis--Part 15--The Account of Esau and Jacob
The description of Isaac's two sons and their differences (Genesis 25)

Genesis--Part 20--Wrestling with God
Jacob, facing the wrath of Esau, has an encounter with the Son of God (Genesis 32)

Genesis--Part 19--Jacob's Dispute with Laban
The account of Jacob's flight from Laban to return to Canaan (Genesis 30-31)

Genesis--Part 18--Woman Trouble
The turmoil that ensues when Jacob marries Leah and Rebecca (Genesis 30)

Genesis--Part 17--The Ladder to Heaven
An account of Jacob's encounter with God at Bethel

Love's Power
The difference love can make in a world that seems not to know very much about it.

Winter Land Delight
God has blessed us with a beautiful snowy winter season...

Something Beautiful
This poem is in honor of any family who has faced the battle of raising a handicapped child. Every child in God's eyes is "Something Beautiful".

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