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Genesis--Part 19--Jacob's Dispute with Laban

by George Cuff

After his second contract was done, Jacob desired to leave,
But Laban didn't want him to go because of blessings received.
He understood God's special grace had made him a prosperous man.
He presented a plea for Jacob to stay as a member of his clan.

After listening to Laban's appeal, Jacob agreed to stay.
He received all the speckled sheep as his allotted pay.
Three days away Jacob moved his band of spotted stock,
Yet Laban's flock continued to bear young ones covered with spots.

Soon God's blessings became apparent by Jacob's growing wealth,
But Laban's herds of sheep and goats did not retain their health.
Clearly Laban's attitude and that of his sons was turning.
It was time to return to the land for which his heart was yearning.

After conferring with his wives, Jacob gathered his household—
Wives and children, servants and herds, an impressive sight to behold.
In obvious haste he journeyed south on the way to Canaan.
After three days Laban found out and attempted to detain him.

As Laban pursued filled with wrath, God warned him in a dream.
So when he finally caught up with them, his anger was not extreme.
They spoke their thoughts and united their hearts their animosity to cease.
Both parties went their separate ways committed to lasting peace.

Once again a strong loving God kept Jacob in His hand.
He graciously brought Him back again into the Promised Land.
God cares for all just as He did then back in Jacob's day,
So place your trust in God, my friend, and in His presence stay.

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