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Love's Power

by Robert Hedrick

God's love covers the world from shore to shore,
While man's at times want go as far as next door.
For God quickly forgives as forgiveness is sought,
Man's heart hardens and ignores what God's taught.

Often forgiveness is not offered before a life ends,
Made even worse if they had once been close friends.
Forgiveness could've been sought often in the past,
The grave assures those opportunities were the last.

Man can cause small matters to grow at a fast pace,
Not considering the consequences he will later face.
This could be when neighborly love shares it's part,
Whenever one steps forward with a forgiving heart.

If man's love was as God's how sweet it would be,
When forgiveness was sought it'd be given immediately.
There would be so little if anything at all to forgive,
Making every neighbor's world a better place to live.

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