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Spiritual Warfare Poetry

The Visitation
Right now we live in a place where Satan is the "Prince of the Air." Every moment is the opportunity for Spiritual Warfare.... until we are promised a victorious visit from our Lord Jesus Christ.

Through the grace of God, by the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, we no longer need be fearful of God's judgement and wrath. We can rejoice and will rejoice when His Truth becomes ours.

Such Pretense!
We may not be physically persecuted in this country, but mind control is prevalent and puts up a big fight.

Hounds of Heaven
Who might the hounds of heaven be?

Victory Assured
Jesus paid for our redemption and His blood is victorious over all the works of Satan as we let Him work in us.

Fighting for God's Blessings
We do not fight against flesh and blood in spiritual warfare, in the name of Jesus Christ. Here are some of the tactics that I have used. I learned this from a Christian who had a deliverance ministry.

Saved Souls
Nature is crying out for the redemption of the Lord that only our salvation can bring. Satan and his evil hosts use our faults against us to make us think God is mad at us. Jesus paid for the world's mess at the cross.

Armed Angels Watching At the Cross
At the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus could've avoided death on the cross by calling for more than 12 legions of angels, but He didn't. Then Jesus arose.

Finding Strenght
We all need encouragement in this life. I hope some may find this poem helpful

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