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Spiritual Warfare Poetry

Nehemiah 8:10
Demons are real and like to attack those who are on the road to salvation. But the Joy of the Lord is your strength!

A Cry For Help (A God Saving Suicide Poem)
This was my first poem... I wrote this as I was dealing with my importance in life... Spiritual warfare!!!

Inspired by the story in 2 Chronicles 20 when a battle was won by putting worshippers at the frontline. There is power in singing God’s praises in the midst of battles or trials.

My Past and the Cross
Shalom! This poem reverberates the fact that oft our past--- in spite of Jesus Christ having forgiven and forgotten our sins, sometimes manage to seep into our minds and hold us guilty still. Simply because, after all, we are still humans.

The Paradise Path
God gives everyone a choice of whom they will serve. It will either be Him or Satan. There are two paths we can follow. One leads to paradise, the other to hell.

World Wide Web finalist in poetry contest
The internet brings so many benefits to our lives and is used in so many positive ways, like this website. However, it is also used for evil. The real danger for Christians is how easy it is to get caught in its web and how difficult it is to break free.

Master of the Mind first in poetry contest
Thy Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. Ps.119:11

The Poppy
A poem about the waste of life caused by wars and conflict and our Saviours wish for us to spread love and live in peace and harmony.

Guard Your Ground
God gave us all a land of the plentiful. The enemy wants this land as well. Let's be reminded to protect what the Lord has given us as His children.

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