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Faith Poetry

Walkin' On Water second in poetry contest
You either have faith in yourself and you own little world - or you have faith in Jesus and His Will. You can only choose one.

He is There
This is a poem about the faithfulness of God and how we can depend upon Him. As we seek His face and learn to trust in Him more, our joy will overflow.

Perspective For Peace
A small poem about a big God!

Believing Without Answers
Even when we do not understand, God's way is perfect! I wrote this poem to encourage a suffering sister-in-law.

Satan cannot break God's children.

From Here to There first in poetry contest
God takes pleasure in our pursuit of Him. He is the God who orchestrated the gap between where we find ourselves and where we'd like ourselves to be. He does this for good reason.

Daily Sunshine
Not every day brings sunshine in our lives for some bring problems and heartaches. Yet our faith can become stronger on any day.

The Walk of Faith first in poetry contest
Once in a while we reach a point in our journey through life when we have to take a detour, a fork in the road that we have to take. A well known path must be left and an unknown one taken. Although courage may fail, faith will rely on the Lord.

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