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Starry Nights
The feeling of being watched flooded over me as I was star gazing. What if one of these were not a star at all but a reflection from my Master's eye! Just one small reflection twinkling with love for his children.

A Poet
Wisdom to Words

A Poet's Prayer
As a writer and a poet, God has given me and all other writers a gift and expects it to be used for His glory. I pray that I always seek His will and His words and that others may receive a blessing from the words in His precious name.

A Divine Creation first in poetry contest
A poem against the abortion.

Be Still- My Father's Lullaby
Psalm 46:10 (New International Version) 10 "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

Gracious Gift
I am pro life, the audience in this poem are the mothers who have a baby in the womb.

You Decide
A poem about how to stand your ground when all is wrong

A Miracle...
This poem was written for a woman who was told she could never have children. After taking this before the throne of God in prayer, a miracle happened! It is also for any woman expecting a child!

Poet by Design
This poem was an encouragement to me. All poets rather great or small were created with a purpose. And even though this gift may seem hidden or not as prolific as others it was found by God who pruned it causing it to mature and grow.

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