Democracy is Dying and Idiots rule supreme,
Say goodbye to personal freedoms,
And the Great Australian Dream,
Freedom of speech is no longer free,
Political Correctness rules,
What's good is now bad and don't forget,
Or you'll lose the Family Jewels.
Protestors glue themselves to the road protesting vocally,
Blockading Bridges and screeching slogans
Chaining themselves to Trees,
Rainbow Flags wave as they march,
Wearing G String underpants,
Claiming their normality,
Common Sense and decency recants.
Wars and rumours of wars and Global intrigue galore,
"Natural" disasters on the increase,
World economies unsure,
Populations aren't safe at home anymore,
While Criminals have free reign,
The Justice System has failed its mission,
Judicial Featherbrains.
The world has turned its back on God, thoughts of him are gone,
No one wants to know his ways,
Morality and Prayers begone,
People want to go their wicked way
What's good for them is best,
Reason has gone invent your own truth,
And the Morons are impressed.
Now I could keep on writing, fifty pages or more,
There's plenty that's wrong with the world,
Our history keeps the score,
But God is in control you see,
His Word is truth his will accomplished,
Despite man's kicking and screaming,
All evil will be punished.