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We sorted through the poems and listed here what we felt were the better ones.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
a prayer seeking God's will for our lives

A Cherished Treasure Made for a Purpose
God, our Creator, knit us in our mothers’ wombs and breathed life into each of us—we are His cherished treasures made for a purpose in His Perfect Plan.

Living in Luxury
explores what has real value

Joy and Free finalist in poetry contest
The change on the inside. Such Joy that I am set free.

WE WERE ONCE LIKE YOU first in poetry contest
Long ago a vicar shared a personal story during a funeral service. i never forgot the story and this poem captures the essence.

A Father's Blessing
This poems expresses the gratitude that a father has for his child - a gift - a blessing from our Heavenly Father.

Search Us – Look Through the Windows of Our Eyes finalist in poetry contest
This poem speaks to Psalm 139: 23-24, NIV: "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

More Than a Glance
Sometimes we drift through our landscapes missing the true beauty of His grace.

Fair Dinkum second in poetry contest
I realise that my Ausie Slang may not be acceptable. I am in my eighties and have battled with depression and with feelings that I have failed God chided me for my lack of faith and self-pity and reminded me of His grace and sovereign love.

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