If God didn't love you, you wouldn't be here,
The fact that He created you is decisive proof
That you're good enough and He holds you dear,
No further justification is necessary or possible.
If Jesus didn't love you, you wouldn't be saved,
The fact that He died for you is clear evidence
That you are precious to Him, that your way is paved;
Your path to Heaven has been perfectly prepared.
If Jesus weren't the Way, his memory wouldn't glow
Down through the sinful and cynical centuries,
Nor would his band of faithful followers grow
To numbers unimaginable to his earliest disciples:
If Jesus weren't God and raised from the dead
Countless Christians would not have sacrificed their lives,
Would not have trusted him for their daily bread,
Would not have endured tribulations in His name:
If God didn't love you, you wouldn't be aware
Of His peace and grace, of his very existence:
He chose to reveal Himself to you, to share,
Through His glorious Son, His sweet and loving essence.