Until I'm satisfied with who I am and what I possess,
At this very moment, without qualification,
It will never be enough, never fill my soul,
No matter how hard I try
Or how feverishly I obsess.
Until I trust that what I have now is what I need,
And realize that I can never get all I desire,
All that the infomercials say I should want,
No matter how vast my wealth,
No matter how insatiable my greed.
Until I truly appreciate that, even if I could obtain
All the wealth in all the vaults in all the banks,
All the toys on all the shelves in all the stores,
It would give me only a moment's respite from
The gnawing dissatisfaction in my brain.
Until I'm content with God and His providential love,
And see that He and He alone can fill the emptiness
And craving inside me, can make me happy and whole,
I'll continue to grab childishly at shiny baubles,
While missing the genuine goods from above.