I stand in reverant wonder, and gaze upon the sky--
The azure tinted heavens, sublimely vaulted high.
I see the stars in chorus; each sing their maker's praise,
A corresponding stanza with daylight sunshine's rays.
And all this matchless beauty came not by time or chance,
But eminates quite clearly from Jesus' providence.
All nature is revealing the Savior's work of skill,
And men must choose to claim Him by choosing of their will.
I see the emerald oceans, majestic lakes and seas
Abounding with great creatures, that come and go with ease.
And these all work together, a symphony of love,
Directed toward their maker, our ageless God above.
What granduer in the mountains, though formed through sin's reproof,
Which still can praise our Savior, and validate the truth
They, too, rejoice in knowing the Lord who made it all,
One day will cleanse completely all remnants of the Fall.