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Mountain Path

by Paul Purday

The path beset by rocks slows down our going
The journey to a higher point was showing
That higher views and greater effort will
Bring us to more revealing landscapes still.

And we, for glorious scenes, extend our walking
With gasping breaths that would prevent our talking
Upward we wend, wearily, this narrow way
And wondering, hoping, what the next bend will display.

This hope will drive us further, longing, upward
To see God's mountain-top, he'll lead us onward
And though our steps will stumble, they will be
The steps that focus on eternity.

Many would fall, and say they are returning
A downward path and heavenly viewpoint spurning
But we would not draw back or hold our tears
The path will lead us on despite our fears.

The Mount of God, the atmosphere is thinning
A different air we breath from the beginning
To climb His heights and seat ourselves in Christ
Where once the lowland scenery sufficed.

Anthems of heaven's joy, in Spirit raising
To join with untold hosts, His presence praising
Our vantage point, and all within us grow
To love His Land, and all His glories know.

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Book by Paul Purday

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