Father forgive them, they know not what they do
They have heard I am your Son
But they don't believe it's true
They lash me with their whips and chains
They crown me with their thorns
They do not realize this is the reason I was born
Casting lots for my clothes
They are my children, not my foes
See my body broken for those
who do not know my Name
Yes, this is why I came
To free the world from death and sin
I knock at the door; please let me in
I'm here for your heart; you already have mine
I love you and I will not leave you behind
You may not see me, yet I am there
You may not feel me, but know I care
You may not hear me, but to you I say
I am the Truth, The Life, and Way
Come to me all you who are weary
Come to me, for I love you so dearly
It's with you, I want to spend eternity
Come to me, Come to me, Come to me . . .