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"Remember Lot's Wife"

by Margaret Cagle

Lot was told by two angels of God,
"Leave Sodom; get your family out!
Fire and brimstone will rain down.
You must leave now; do not doubt!"

Lot's sons-in-law decided to stay.
They were just too attached to leave.
They doubted and did not go with Lot.
God's word, they did not believe.

Then Lot, his wife, and daughters left.
The angels said, "Do not look back!"
But Lot's wife failed to obey them.
She turned to salt, dead in her track.

In the Bible, in the Book of Luke,
Jesus said, "Remember Lot's wife."
If we look back, not forsaking sin,
In our lives, we invite much strife.

Someday Jesus will surely come again.
He will rapture His church away.
We need to be saved, ready to leave,
But without Christ, we will stay.

"Remember Lot's wife," Jesus said.
He had the last days on His mind.
When Jesus returns to receive His own,
You do not want to be left behind.

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