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by Paul Purday

The views we have of photos and even paintings
Are tiny fragments of the real scene
They capture in an album or a framing
A narrow-angled view of where we've been.

It does not show all pointings of the compass
And cannot give the heat or atmosphere
So much is missed, or knowingly excluded
And neither from it can a sound we hear.

Now, when we talk of God it is sometimes
With a speedy simplistic view of Him
We pick a hurried snapshot from the Bible
But with this glimpse can find the light is dim.

If we will further delve into His beauty
So many further glories we will find
And keep us in His way and moving onward
Into His world, His Holy hands designed.

But God is always far beyond our viewpoint
For His deep things and higher heights can show
That all eternity will be required
For His own glorious attributes to know.

Eye nor ear takes in what He's preparing
For those He loves, and for their pure delight
There's so much more to know and hearts are finding
The wonder of immense eternal light.

This poem won first place for the May 2024 poetry contest

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Book by Paul Purday

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