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by Paul Purday

When we talk of guidance, we talk less of the Guide
Our eyes are on the way our feet should go
The path our minds have half-selected, show
It is those minds that might the truer pathway hide.

The mariner would safely follow the North Star
A point within the heavens fixed to sail
Though other ways could also serve his trail
This Star's bright guidance served most journeyings afar.

And eyes on Him alone will show the only way
The path will be made straight, the light ahead
It is His light to show the way to tread
And footsteps in the dark, will see the light of day.

The path is crooked and the way ahead is rough
When He is not in view and in the heart
Knowing Jesus, it is a dying art
And knowing that in all man's ways, He is enough.

The glorious Star that strides the heavens with His light
And to all other suns, He's brighter still
Without Him, other avenues will fill
But cannot with extraneous things unlock the sight.

All those who base their hearts and lives open His Word
Whose love for Jesus is their only hope
The Spirit forming a kaleidoscope
Are seeing clearly now, when once their path was blurred.

If we will take a backward look, our histories show
That God has guided us through many years
For in His perfect love, has dried our tears
And shown us wonders more than we can ever know.

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Book by Paul Purday

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