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by Paul Purday

What are the crowns of earthly kings?
Are they formed with rarer gold?
Or costlier jewels than kings have seen
Where human hearts their praise extolled
A dazzling show of rainbow glint
And kingly glory well defined
Where human glory fills the earth
Soaring across the wondering mind
With riches more than we have seen
An eagle's glory in the skies
Was dropping coins from golden claws
And vanishing before our eyes…..

Another crown, from plaited thorns
Casting glory on the earth
And rubies on the Wearer's face
Diamonds of sweat and suffering 's worth
Glint messages of love to all
Greater glory there to be
Or that the world has ever known
And kings of earth will ever see
This treasure from a humble heart
Robes of suffering were His clothes
For bitter wine was in His cup
And red wine from His body flows……

This King, with grief acquainted, knew
Only hours of earthly reign
And darkness His companion too
Angels' grief could not contain
Were singing sadly, dropping tears
Upon this majesty of Grace
And opening this treasure now
Showing glory in His face
This King that died then rose again
And is that treasured Majesty
His crown so rare that He alone
Can carry it eternally …

He shares each precious shining gem
Upon each soul, a seal of blood
Which rests, and is the plant of Grace
And where the Tree of Life has stood…..

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Book by Paul Purday

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