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Jesus Deserves My Best

by Margaret Cagle

One night I had a dream
As I lay fast asleep.
This dream was so vivid,
It really made me weep.

I beheld the scars of Jesus
In His hands and His feet.
I saw the scars in His side.
Then our eyes, they did meet.

His eyes seemed to say
As they searched my heart,
"I shed My blood for you.
Saved by My grace, you art."

Then I tried to tell Him,
"Thank You for dying for me,"
But then suddenly I awoke.
I was weeping so sorrowfully.

Yes, my Savior died for me,
And for me, He gave His all.
I had done so little for Him,
So upon my knees I did fall.

"My Jesus, I really love You!"
I prayed as I bitterly cried.
"I know You love me so much.
For me, You suffered and died."

"Jesus, I want to serve You
Until the day that I die,
Until the day you call me
To that glorious home on high.

Every time that I get tired,
And all I want to do is rest,
I think of what He did for me.
Yes, Jesus deserves my best!

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