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by Paul Purday

We walk by faith and not by sight
And turn the darkness into day
To be prepared when comes the night
To never let our footsteps stray.

We might not know our path ahead
And only faith to guide our feet
With care to notice where we tread
And not let past mistakes repeat.

The way seems curved and challenging
But faith will make the pathway straight
Our eyes on Christ when beckoning
And on His tender call await.

We well remember how He would
When walking dusty paths down here
Know He would not be understood
Only one voice was in His ear.

Directed by His Father's will
The perfect way that He should go
Our way might only be uphill
Through Grace, His light the path will show.

So we will walk the way of peace
For it is from inside that we
Will know His harmony increase
Then see His path with clarity.

For we now walk a heavenly road
For faith can see His footprints now
That lead to His divine abode
And every knee to Him will bow.

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