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by Peter the Poet © 2024

There was a Certain rich man clothed in Purple and fine,
He ate sumptuously daily with plenty of wine.
His life was of plenty, an existence without need,
But he thought not of others who needed to feed.

Lazarus was a beggar sitting at the rich man's gate,
And crumbs from the table were all that he ate.
Stray dogs would come by and lick at his sores,
His life was very hard, he was scorned and ignored.

But the day came to pass that Lazarus died,
And he was carried by Angels to Abraham's side.
In Paradise now he was justly rewarded,
With his father Abraham all joys were afforded.

Then the rich man died and was taken and buried,
And into the clutches of Hell he was ferried.
As he lifted his eyes suffering his torments,
He saw Lazarus with Abraham and an idea foments.

He cried out to Abraham, "Father, have mercy",
Please send over Lazarus, as I'm so very thirsty.
In these flames I am tormented, my tongue is afire,
Please send him with water to quench my desire.

Abraham said "Your life had much and Lazarus Little"
You had a feast and Lazarus no victuals.
So now you have torment and Lazarus has ease,
I cannot help you, though I hear your pleas.

And beside all this, there is a great gulf between us
Nobody passes either way, no matter how much the fuss.
You can't come to me and I can't come to you,
There is nowhere to exit, no merit to accrue.

"Then please send Lazarus to my Father's house,
To speak with my Brothers and they'll hear him out.
And then they won't come to this horrible place,
Where you never look upon God's face.

Abe said, "Moses and the Prophets are who they can hear,
Read up on their writings and strictly adhere".
"Nay Father Abraham, please send him ahead,
For they will repent if one comes from the dead.

Abe said, "If they do not hear the prophets or Moses,
They surely will not come up smelling of Roses.
For if one rose from the dead and they are not persuaded,
Then I am afraid that they cannot be aided.

And so this account draws to a conclusion,
A story of truth, with no confusion.
Think only of yourself under threat of your soul,
And you end up cut off, with no hope of console.

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