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God Cares

by Margaret Cagle

The trials came with sorrows and woe.
I felt like asking, "Where did God go?"
For days, my skies were weary and gray,
But I cast my cares upon God one day.

I welcomed Jesus to shine in my life.
He took away my heartaches and strife.
His light dispelled darkness and fear
And replaced it with joy and cheer.

To God, I must take my burdens and care,
Casting them down and leaving them there.
God drives the shadows and sadness away.
He fills my heart with peace each day.

My friend, when trials come your way,
Get on your knees and earnestly pray.
Cast your cares on God, the strong tower
And trust in His holy, infinite power.

I Peter 5:7, "Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you."

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