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Praise God! Hallelujah! Christ Arose!

by Margaret Cagle

They crucified Christ on a cruel cross.
For us Jesus suffered shame and loss.
From the grave He arose just as He said.
Praise the Lord! He arose from the dead!

They crucified Jesus Who knew no sin.
He shed His blood for the sins of men.
He had victory over death and His foes.
Praise God! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

When the women visited His tomb that day,
They saw that the stone was rolled away.
Where is our Master? Their sorrow grows.
Hallelujah! Praise God! Christ arose!

Peter and John ran faster and faster.
They ran to see the tomb of their Master.
They saw the neatly folded grave clothes.
Jesus was not here! Yes, Christ arose!

One Mary sat by the grave and cried.
Then she decided to take a look inside.
An angel's message interrupted her woes.
He is not here! Your Master arose!

Jesus ascended back to fair Gloryland
To intercede for us at God's right hand.
We shall rise again, Scripture shows,
For praise God! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

This poem was a finalist in the April 2014 poetry contest

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