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Return To Him

by Kathleen Higham

We walk with sin at a distance
While distracted sin becomes a friend
When our first love drifts away
We are heading to a destructive end

Sin may come one step at a time
As a willing spirit becomes weak
And Our Lord we put behind us
No longer His Word do we seek

Then slowly we slip away from life
Gone is our fellowship with Him
Sadly we have left our first love
And His light is becoming dim

Blindsided by Satan once again
It seems so exciting at first
But if we continue to follow this path
In the end our life will be cursed

For sin is insidiously upon us
Invading a once spiritual being
God's love becomes a memory
As eyes are no longer seeing

But God in His infinite mercy
Sent His only Son to endure
The horror of a Roman cross
Making our pitiful lives secure

The day is coming when we celebrate
Jesus Christ has risen from the dead
Alive and saving a place for us
Reminding us of what we had said

Offering to Him our sin filled heart
A heart that He freely died for
Back sliding people return to Him
Return to Him forever more

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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