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Talk To The Rock

by Kathleen Higham

I have at times wondered about dying
Trying not to be overly concerned
But an incident has truly shaken me
And an amazing lesson I've learned

As we traveled far out to sea
My eyes just marveled at the sight
The most glorious sun was rising
Yet I sense something's not right

The sky is looking somewhat dark
Inside I feel a slight unease
In the distance a flash of lightening
Then without warning frightening seas

With great haste we head for home
But suddenly we've lost the way
A dark and fierce horizon looms ahead
With deafening thunder a raging bay

A squalling rain slices through us
Stinging faces with no protection
The motor stops with an icy dread
We roll and toss in every direction

For the first time ever I know
That this could be the day I die
Never felt so vulnerable or helpless
But my God had heard my cry

I prayed for Him to lead us
Through the stormy waves and wind
But first I prayed to please Him
For I knew how much I sinned

At times I felt terror for sure
But more then that a fear
What if God is not happy
And I prayed for Him to hear

Through the fierceness of the storm
He came to me with His peace
I wished I had pleased Him more
And I waited for the storm to cease

I knew death was at my door
But through blinding rain I see
The bridge to safety calling to us
My Savior had stayed close to me

Drenched and shivering with the cold
A new friend pulled us to the Rock
We were safely home at last
Then the Lord and I had this talk

Praying frantically in the storm
Realizing my most urgent concern
Wanting so much to have pleased Him
He restored my passion to learn

Psalm 107:23-31

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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