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Great Gospel Words

by David Causby

Saved - rescued from sin's punishment
That I should justly see
Justified - perfect in God's eyes now
As He sees Jesus in me
Sanctified - set apart unto God
A people of His own
Adopted - part of God's family
A child on his way home
Reconciled - those once God's enemies
Now God's friends for evermore
Accepted - in the well-beloved
Since I entered by the Door
Predestined - God's will that we become
To the likeness of His Son
Forgiven - and Satan now has no more claim
The victory has been won
Grace - all God's blessings mine
Through the cross of Calvary
Mercy - judgement that's no longer mine
The price is paid - I'm free!
Peace - the elusive is obtained
He dealt with all my guilt
Joy - pervasive through my very soul
Like a fragrance that's been spilt
Loved - unconditionally by God
The Creator, for beyond all time
Glorified - some day yet to come
With the Saviour who now is mine

1 John 2:15

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