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Will You be my Disciple?

by Maureen Levins

Will you be my disciple? I want to know.
Will you go where others will not go?
Will you go to the poor, the oppressed and the sick?
I could send another, but it's you I pick.

Will you be my disciple? I'm asking you.
Will you serve those in need, just as I do?
Will you care for the sick, the lepers, the poor?
For I've called upon you to knock on their door.

Will you be my disciple for the rest of your days?
Will you give from your heart and not for man's praise?
Will you give of your talents, your time and your wealth?
For I've called upon you to give of yourself.

Will you be my disciple? I ask this of you.
Though many I've called, those who've answered are few.
It will cost you a lot, but it's well worth your loss.
My blessings and life await you at my cross.

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