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Women Of Christ

by Kathleen Higham

Drawn by the depths of their desire
I can't believe what I've learned
Two women serving unselfishly
And they are always concerned

These women are wives of Pastor's
Laying their heart on their sleeve
Relentlessly giving all they have
But passionately to Jesus they cleave

So much alike yet so different
One captures you with her voice
The other with a heart of gold
But both have made the choice

To serve with a Christ like love
With courage when trouble is near
Always putting others above themselves
Even when suffering with their own fear

Drawn by the depths of their desire
I am honored to love each one
Sisters who have ministered to me
For their work is never done

They are humble in all they do
Giving praise to the Lord every day
Two women so much like each other
Only God could have made them that way

My joy comes in their presence
Radiant smiles that dazzle me
Spending time with my sisters in Christ
In their faces my God I can see

I am so utterly thankful
God blesses me with out end
Drawn by the depths of their desire
Two women I call my friend

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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