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The Little Yellow Bird

by Kathleen Higham

My friend and I were walking
And a sad incident occurred
We saw this lovely creature
A beautiful yellow baby bird

He was hopping frantically
As he tried to run away
A wing was tucked beneath him
He was injured to our dismay

I scooped him up so gently
Wanting to help the little guy
A tiny heart fluttered in my hand
We felt like we could cry

How could we save this tiny bird
There were predators everywhere
But the wisdom of the moment came
That our God was surely there

The challenge is trusting in Him
So we set the little bird free
I tenderly laid him on the ground
Under the protection of a tree

I never saw the bird again
I believe God watched over him
Wounded and helpless for sure
His future looked pretty dim

But trusting in God is everything
When we are like that little bird
Frightened and broken He picks us up
For our cries have been heard

No I have not seen that little bird
But I envision him in the sky
With the Hand of God lifting him up
As He teaches him how to fly

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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