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There's A Frog In The House

by Kathleen Higham

We've been home a month or so
And I am shocked to say
We found a friend in our basement
Our Florida frog showed up today

Pleasantly sitting on the steps
As if he always lived there
What are we to do with him
He shows no fear nor care

Now you know this frog is saved
And what a trip he has made
Traveling in that boat again
Far far from Miami-Dade

So we are seriously studying
Needing to care for him awhile
Then take him home once more
Back to Florida he'll go in style

But we are just a bit concerned
For his safety and well being
This frog does not belong here
We're not used to what we're seeing

An oddity that's for sure
This alien residing with us
But he accepts us completely
He wonders what's all the fuss

This must be another lesson
And the frog has much to learn
The dark cold nights await him
But he shows no concern

For we have placed him tenderly
In a can on a clump of dirt
Gathered bugs and moistened grass
Protected so he won't get hurt

The lesson must be about trust
I can see it in his bulging eyes
Resting quietly in our home
I wonder if a frog sighs

I pray we help each other
As we help this precious frog
Trusting in God to bring him back
To his home where he sits on a log

And he might tell the story
Of the trip without an end
Alone and frightened feeling lost
But then he found this friend

One who would always help him
Especially when he prayed
So he ask God one more time
Take me back to Miami-Dade

Kathleen Higham

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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