You know you've got to keep it simple, Saint.
Don't try and make it what it ain't.
God said to accept Him like a child
And not let your doctrines run hog wild.
Just preach Jesus, for us crucified
And that will keep folks from being fried.
Rejoice in that fact that He has risen
And forget about this and that ism.
God won't care where you got your degree.
He'll only ask, "What did you do with Me?"
Cling to him and not your denomination
If you want to escape eternal damnation.
Some will argue loud until they faint,
But you've got to keep it simple, Saint.
Your theology may be grand and swell,
But lots of theologians end up in Hell.
So go on, get up, get out, and go
To tell the ones who do not know.
Remember, unless you want to be considered nuts or quaint,
You've got to keep it simple, Saint!
This poem was a finalist in the
December 2005 poetry contest