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When The Trumpet Sounds

by Kathleen Higham

It was a dark and rainy day
A distant thunder rolled through
Wild geese flew over us honking
Like a trumpet, then I knew

God had announced His presence
Where we gathered, only a few
My son came and stood by me
Neither of us sure what to do

A small box once a loving man
Was placed down in a hole
As my Pastor prayed for him
I knew, God already had his soul

Huddled there with those I loved
Charles, my eldest brother's name
Was carved on a granite stone
Then peacefulness finally came

As I visualized a joyful reunion
Not noticing the inclement weather
Men reaching out to each other
Two brothers in Heaven together

A symbolic, yet respectful gesture
The dirt heaped up in a mound
Shoveled onto the one I love
I'll never forget the sound

The last tears fell for me today
My Mom greets the son she bore
I had kept my promise to her
My brother won't need me anymore

But I will see them all someday
As a small box goes into the ground
Not here, but raised up to Heaven
The moment when the trumpets sound

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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