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Lake Of Tears

by Kathleen Higham

Is there a lake in Heaven?
Oh, yes it must be true
I've read it in the Scriptures
And He makes all things new

But what about the sea of life?
Its beauty is undenied
Will they live in a heavenly lake?
Basking by His side

In my mind I conjure this
In wonder of the sight
Flying fish skim the water
In absolute perfect flight

A peaceful mammoth whale
Dancing on a wave
Dolphins glistening in perfection
I trust these too He'll save

Is there a lake in Heaven?
Creatures large and small
Some so tiny in their new a bode
In my heart I can see them all

Everything they do is planned
And perfect in their place
A reflection in the water
In that lake I see His Face

I picture water no longer blue
But surrounded by His Light
No sun, no moon, no stars at all
Yet, brilliant is the night

How can they live and breathe?
Without the salty sea
But God can do anything
And this is what I see

Years and years, millions of tears
He cupped them in His Hand
Saved them for this special place
Then poured them on His Land

We will not remember
When or why we cried
But tears shed by all mankind
Are now waters deep and wide

All the creatures living there
They never ever died
The lake of tears is the past
With no more tears to be cried

Nevermore will a teardrop fall
On a sad lonely cheek
With Him in the Promised Land
And the lake of tears we'll seek

With a golden path around it
And a whisper of His touch
He captures one last final tear
And He loves us oh so much

So perfect are His creatures
And their home is perfect too
Salty tears in a perfect place
And they came from me and you

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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