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A Tear Away

by Kathleen Higham

She is just a tear away
As I bring her to my mind
The one who carried me inside
In my heart I'll always find

She is just a tear away
Of this I am absolutely sure
Astonished by her courage
My life is defined by her

She is just a tear away
Yet I see her every day
Hard to imagine all these years
But because of her I pray

She is just a tear away
Oh how much I've cried
My God promises I'll see her
Didn't know that when she died

She is just a tear away
And every decision that I make
I think about what God would do
Believing He would never forsake

She is just a tear away
For time is of no essence
She will hold me close again
With the Lord in our presence

She is just a tear away
A tear falling to its end
I will be with her once more
My Mom, my truest friend

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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