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by Kathleen Higham

Lord, I'm being sifted
And why, I do not know
Something has a hold on me
I pray, let me go

Lord, I'm being sifted
Comes to me late at night
Awakens me, and troubles me
Then gives me such a fright

Lord, I'm being sifted
And I struggle in my prayer
Living the battle in my mind
Yet, I know you're there

Lord, I'm being sifted
And I am sick with grief
Don't even want to be here
Lost in this disbelief

Lord, I'm being sifted
Each morning when I awake
Even then, I cannot win
In my weakness, I partake

Lord, I'm being sifted
As You are well aware
But, I will overcome this
I'm Yours, and You care

And still, I'm being sifted
Is this a lesson learned
Failing, failing, crying to You
My gift from You discerned

Lord, I'm being sifted
My life is filled with lust
But, the sifter will be broken
For in You, my God ,I trust

Romans 7:24-25

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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