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My Soul

by Kathleen Higham

Oh, my precious soul
I speak to You each day
My tears fall in humility
As my sins fade away

Oh, my precious soul
Let purity reign in me
The way of the flesh has died
And it is only God I see

Oh, my precious soul
Reaching deep within, I cry
Holding on to Your promises
You lift me, ever so high

Oh, my precious soul
When my evilness is portrayed
I remember the day of the cross
Your life, the price You paid

Oh, my precious soul
I am vile, when You are true
You weep for me with passion
And I trust You Lord, I do

Oh, my precious soul
I listen to what You say
Hold on to my hurting heart
If I should drift away

Oh, my precious soul
The Holy Spirit, so complete
Oh, my precious, precious soul
I lay it at Your feet.

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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