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The Handkerchief

by Kathleen Higham

After church we gathered
In friendship, we will chat
But a young woman was crying
So, next to her I sat

My friend who is much wiser
Talked to her so sweet
I wondered why I was there
Sitting quietly in my seat

Tears poured down her cheeks
In my heart, her words collide
Lord, I want to help her
But how, then I sighed

Remembering in my pocket
My mother's handerchief
Put it there before we left
It has tended to much grief

I gave it to this woman
In heaven, my mom can't see
Her handerchief, I loved it
It meant so much to me

The young woman thanked me
It's so personal, she said
Not my words that helped her
It was the handkerchief instead

God placed the handkerchief
In my pocket for sure
To wipe away a sister's tears
A pain she must endure

My mother guides me always
Prepared me to live and even die
The handkerchief, she left behind
For one last tear to dry...

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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